The Conservative Party

Calling Conservatives: New public appointments announced. Housing Ombudsman – and more

Four years ago, the TaxPayers’ Alliance reported that “in the last year, five times more Labour people were appointed to public bodies than Tories”.

Since then, the figures have varied, and some Conservative members or supporters have been selected to fill important posts. 

Nonetheless, it remains the case that, since...Read More »

Newslinks for Wednesday 29th March 2017

EU Exit brexit

Brexit Day 1) May signed the letter yesterday. Today we begin to leave

“Shortly after 4.30pm yesterday, Mrs May signed a letter notifying the European Council of Britain’s intention to leave the EU. Once the letter is handed over today, two years of talks will begin on the terms of...Read More »

A truly historic moment. Today we start the process of leaving the EU.

The word “historic” is overused in politics, but today truly merits the title. At 12.30pm, Sir Tim Barrow will deliver a letter from Theresa May to Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council.

In those pages, the Prime Minister will use the power vested in her by Act of Parliament to...Read More »

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