The Conservative Party

Iain Dale: May moves Article 50 – and the BBC plunges into a period of national mourning

Iain Dale is Presenter of LBC Drive, Managing Director of Biteback Publishing, a columnist and broadcaster and a former Conservative Parliamentary candidate.

Listening to the BBC coverage of triggering Article 50 earlier this week, you’d have thought that we were entering a period of national mourning.

It started with the...Read More »

The ambition for home ownership is stronger than ever

The annual English Housing Survey came out this month. It suggested that in the last financial year 62.9 per cent of English households owned their own homes. So that was very slightly down on last year’s figure of 63.6 per cent....Read More »

Eurosceptic MPs must resist the temptation to meddle with the Great Repeal Bill

No sooner was Article 50 triggered than David Davis’s “Department X” sprang into action. The Secretary of State has today launched the white paper for the Great Repeal Bill.

The Bill gets its name from its immediate, crucial effect: the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972. This...Read More »

WATCH: Wallace debates Article 50 – “People who thought themselves powerless get to see the powerful do what they want”


Money for the EU. A pause before migration falls. An interim role for the ECJ. Fine – but May must remember that Brexit means Brexit.

The section of Theresa May’s Article 50 letter which made the most waves was the part on security.  “In security terms a failure to reach agreement would mean our cooperation in the fight against crime and terrorism would be weakened,” it said.  “It is for these reasons that we...Read More »

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