The Conservative Party

Theresa May: Why we need a general election

Theresa May: I have just chaired a meeting of Cabinet where we agreed that the Government should call a general election to be held on the 8th June. I want to explain...Read More »

WATCH: Picardo – “It is only fair, proper and right that any trade deal should apply to Gibraltar.”



Newslinks for Sunday 2nd April 2017


Brexit 1) What Easter Ministerial holiday? May team’s trade tour.

“Mrs May has instructed her top team to spend the Easter break selling Britain abroad as a mecca for inward investment. Chancellor Philip Hammond is being posted to India with a “heavyweight delegation” which includes Bank...Read More »

The Brexit negotiation. Don’t believe everything you read in the media. (Not that you would anyway.)

A week ago, Article 50 had not been moved. As a new week begins, it finally has been.  This means that we now move into the negotiation proper between Britain and the EU27.  Which makes this as good a time as any to say: don’t believe everything you read...Read More »

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