The Conservative Party

Theresa May: Speech outside Downing Street 3rd May

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have just been to Buckingham Palace for an audience with Her Majesty The Queen
to mark the dissolution of this Parliament. 

2015 Parliament is now at an end, and in 36 days the country will elect a new
Government and choose the next Prime Minister. The choice...Read More »

Theresa May: Speech in Harrow 8th May

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you very much everybody. It’s great to be here in Harrow today and it’s great
to be with you all this morning. As we move into the next phase of this vitally
important general election campaign the local elections are now behind us and
we must now...Read More »

Theresa May: Speech in Bristol 2nd May

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great to be with you here in Bristol this evening. Now, this great city and
communities across Britain face a crucial choice, who will lead Britain through
Brexit and beyond? Will it be me and my team showing the strong and stable
leadership that our country needs?...Read More »

Theresa May: Speech in Lancashire 1st May

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you for that welcome everybody and it’s fantastic to be with you today here in
Lancashire. You know since the beginning of this campaign I’ve been travelling
across Great Britain, making the case for strong and stable leadership in the
national interest. With great cities like London...Read More »

Theresa May: Speech in Aberdeenshire 29th April 2017

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“It’s great to be here in
Aberdeenshire today as we approach the most important election the United
Kingdom has faced in my lifetime – an election in which every single vote will
count. And my message to the people of Scotland is clear – every vote for meRead More »

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