The Conservative Party

Gove: Cleaner, Greener, Stronger - Britain after Brexit

Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, speaking today at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester said:

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“It’s wonderful to be here in Manchester – speaking to you as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The fact that I’m on this stage this year...Read More »

Clark: Our job is to increase the country’s earning power

Clark, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, speaking
today at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester said:

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“The Conservative Party
owes its strength over the years to two things. To our principles as the party
of freedom in a property-owning democracy and to our ability to...Read More »

Grayling: Putting passengers at the heart of transport

Grayling, Transport Secretary, speaking today at Conservative Party Conference
in Manchester said:

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and Gentlemen.

want to start with a very simple message. Thank you.

spent the election campaign travelling the country and meeting many of you on
the campaign trail. Sometimes it was to knock on doors....Read More »

Bradley: Conference Speech

Karen Bradley, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, speaking today at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester said:
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“Thank you, Conference.
It’s great to be with you here in Manchester – a home to digital innovation and vibrant arts.
It was also the home...Read More »

Hammond: Conference Speech

Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking today at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester said:
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“Thank you Ben.
What a privilege to be introduced by the Conservative Mayor of a north-east city region.
Ben Houchen, Ladies and Gentlemen, the living proof that our party is working for...Read More »

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