The Conservative Party

Prime Minister: International Women’s Day Speech

For more than 100 years, International Women’s Day has called on us to stand together and celebrate the tremendous achievements of women in every country around the world.

This year, it is particularly significant for us here in the UK because it coincides with a very significant centenary, the moment when...Read More »

Prime Minister: Renewing the British dream

May, Prime Minister, speaking today at Conservative Party Conference in
Manchester said:

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little over forty years ago in a small village in Oxfordshire, I signed up to
be a member of the Conservative Party.

did it because it was the party that had the ideas...Read More »

Johnson: Winning the future

Johnson, Foreign Secretary, speaking today at Conservative Party Conference in
Manchester said:

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“Good afternoon

our hearts go out to Las Vegas today we are reminded once again of the attack
that took place here only a few months
ago, on innocent and music-loving young people. And if...Read More »

Priti Patel: Projecting British values and leadership

Patel, Secretary of State for International Development, speaking today at Conservative
Party Conference in Manchester said:

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good afternoon.

has always been a bold and confident nation.

are unafraid to stand up for what we believe in.

our history, we’ve helped to end the slave trade, defeat dictators,...Read More »

Fallon: Defending our people and our values

Michael Fallon MP, Secretary of State for Defence, speaking today at Conservative
Party Conference in Manchester said:

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week we set out plans for a Global Britain that stands up for our people and
for our values.

city needs no reminding of the threats from extremists who want...Read More »

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