The Conservative Party

Chairman: Brandon Lewis: Spring Forum 2018

Thank you, Rob, for those
warm words.


But thank you, above all,
for your leadership of the National Convention.

And for all that you do,
day in and day out, for our Party.

And – I know from all your
phone calls and emails – night in, night out…


I can’t tell you how...Read More »

Prime Minister: Opening of Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

Your M​ajesty, Your R​oyal Hi​ghnesses, Secretary-General, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. ​​ I am extremely proud to be welcoming you all to London – the first full Heads of Government meeting here in almost forty years.

I want to begin by expressing my gratitude to ​Prime Minister Muscat and his team:...Read More »

Prime Minister:  Commonwealth Business Forum

Prime Minister Theresa May speaks to members of the Commonwealth Business Forum.

Good morning everyone.

I would like to start by thanking the Lord Mayor for hosting us here today at the beautiful Guildhall, the home of the City of London’s administrators for almost 600 years.

As we have just heard, the...Read More »

Prime Minister: PM's press conference statement on Syria: 14 April 2018

Last night British, French and American armed forces conducted co-ordinated and targeted strikes to degrade the Syrian Regime’s chemical weapons capability and deter their use.

For the UK’s part four RAF Tornado GR 4’s launched storm shadow missiles at a military facility some 15 miles west of Homs, where the regime...Read More »

Amber Rudd: Launch of the Serious Violence Strategy

I want to start today by taking you back to the night of the 20 February in Camden, North London.

A distraught mum watches her teenage son die after he’s stabbed outside a shop.

She only realises it’s him after she calls his phone and it rings from his jacket pocket behind...Read More »

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