The Conservative Party

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss, writes for The...

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss, writes for The Telegraph’s new Refresh initiative: “The young are born disruptors, but they need freedom, not socialist strictures, to succeed”

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Brandon Lewis: In the final week before polling day, let’s shout about our record | Conservative Home

Brandon Lewis: In the final week before polling day, let’s shout about our record | Conservative Home:

Brandon Lewis: In the final week before polling day, let’s shout about our record

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Treasury minister John Glen outlines the package of measures...

Treasury minister John Glen outlines the package of measures Conservatives in government are taking to tackle unlawful lending and increase the amount of money seized from loan sharks to support vulnerable victims.

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Secretary of State for Housing, Sajid Javid, writes for today’s...

Secretary of State for Housing, Sajid Javid, writes for today’s Daily Telegraph: “Affordable housing does not have to be poorly made – and it must take local communities into account”

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Chairman: Brandon Lewis: Spring Forum 2018

Thank you, Rob, for those
warm words.


But thank you, above all,
for your leadership of the National Convention.

And for all that you do,
day in and day out, for our Party.

And – I know from all your
phone calls and emails – night in, night out…


I can’t tell you how...Read More »

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