The Conservative Party

On Sky News this morning, Jeremy Hunt spoke about our long-term...

On Sky News this morning, Jeremy Hunt spoke about our long-term plan for the NHS, investing nearly £400
million more a week in the NHS in real terms, securing our greatest national
inheritance for generations to come.

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The British public voted for £350m a week for the NHS. We will...

The British public voted for £350m a week for the NHS. We will deliver that – and more, writes Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt for the Telegraph.  

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Turning Alan Turing’s vision of artificial intelligence into reality

Turning Alan Turing’s vision of artificial intelligence into reality:

Business Secretary Greg Clark writes for today’s Times Red Box:

“The potential of AI is undeniable. Our next challenge is to further harness this technology in a range of way: from how we diagnose diseases, to how goods are manufactured.”

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We must protect our children from online bullying just as we...

We must protect our children from online bullying just as we do offline, writes Schools Minister Nick Gibb for the Telegraph

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I made mistakes but now I’m going Green for Grenfell, writes Theresa May

I made mistakes but now I’m going Green for Grenfell, writes Theresa May:

The Prime Minister writes for the Evening Standard one year on from the Grenfell fire tragedy.

“The Grenfell fire was a tragedy that should never have happened – and I am determined that it will never be...Read More »

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