The Chancellor has to ensure his first Budget is a break from the past – McDonnell


Pre-Budget Statement from the Shadow Chancellor

Speaking ahead of the Budget, the Shadow Chancellor has demanded
that the government finds the funding our NHS and social care needs, and that
he must not make women bear the brunt of Tory economic policies as they have
for the last 7 years.

In addition, he said that the chancellor cannot risk building
our economy on the shaky ground of a WTO deal that endangers jobs and growth.

He also, calls on the government to deal with the rising cost of
living, and tackle the problem of chronic low pay for many working families in
our country.

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, said:

“Philip Hammond’s first Budget comes at a crossroads for our
country ahead of the triggering of Article 50. It cannot be a Budget, where
like his predecessor, he over claims on the government’s economic record, and
under delivers on its promises.

“That is why it is vital he must use his first Budget tomorrow
to provide the adequate funding our NHS and social care system desperately

“The Tories say they are on the side of working families, but
they are going ahead with cuts to in-work benefits, and presiding over an
economy where six million people earn less than the living wage, and four million
children are in poverty.

“The Budget falls on international women’s day; and although it
is great we have a female Prime Minister, Theresa May has supported every tax
and benefit change in the last seven years, which has meant 86 per cent of the
cuts have fallen on women.

“Therefore, Philip Hammond needs to ensure that his first Budget
breaks with this terrible statistic, and works for women, not one that makes
them bear the brunt of Tory tax giveaways for a wealthy few.

“Finally, the Chancellor cannot risk building our economy on the
shaky ground of a WTO deal that risks jobs and growth, so he must now rule this
out and commit not to turn Britain into a tax haven off the coast of Europe.

“Labour is opposed to any Tory Brexit deal that favours tax
dodgers and the big banks, and would force working families to pick up the tab.

“The Chancellor has to ensure his first Budget is a break from
the past, and not a continuation of the same failed economic policies of the
last seven years.”


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