The anti Brexit establishment plans a big push

The government which gained a majority by uniting pro Brexit voters with Remain voters who wished to accept the referendum and go with some Brexit wins, needs to be aware that some forces that cannot accept Brexit are out to push back on policy.

  1. They are trying to oust the Home Secretary as they fear she will take action to stop the flow of illegal migrants across the Channel. Anti Brexit lawyers and some Home Office officials are out to prevent policies that could work, as they dislike the wish of many Brexit voters to take back control of our borders..
  2. They want to sell out the Unionists in Northern Ireland who are resisting the EU’s unreasonable misinterpretation of the Protocol to stop the free flow of GB to NI trade, to stop NI benefitting from any VAT cuts, and to keep NI under EU laws. They wish to block a moderate UK legislative solution to restore UK trade and taxes in NI which is necessary to reinstate the Good Friday power sharing arrangements.
  3. They want prevent  gas exploration and development where communities want the revenue and the jobs it could bring, and where companies are willing to produce more from the North Sea,  to keep the UK import dependent
  4. They continue to block VAT cuts on energy despite the advantage this would bring by lowering the inflation index and helping people’s personal budgets
  5. They wish to impose an austerity budget to  deepen and lengthen the downturn and worsen the UK’s economic performance
  6. They want to abandon the Bill to reduce the volume of inherited laws from the EU and to establish the full supremacy of UK courts.