The 7th St Petersburg International Legal Forum


Dmitry Medvedev attended a plenary session titled Law in the Global Context.

The St Petersburg International Legal Forum was launched in 2011 and is a major platform for dialogue between politicians, lawyers, economists and scientists who represent various economic and legal systems.

The forum seeks to promote ways to modernise the law in the changing global environment, including ways to optimise cooperation between legal systems and work out common approaches to developing new laws in today’s world, to modernise Russian law by using the best foreign practices for drafting and administering laws, and to assist in the development of modern legal sciences and legal education in Russia and throughout the world.

The 7th St Petersburg International Legal Forum

The forum’s agenda this year includes discussions on the regulation of modern technologies and their influence on the legal profession, antimonopoly regulation, financial and investment policies, Russia-Asia cooperation, and the regulation of marketing cultural values. The theme of this plenary session is Law in the Global Context.