THB responds to media enquiries on issues between shareholders of Hong Kong Airlines Limited and its financial situation

     In response to media enquiries on the issues between shareholders of Hong Kong Airlines Limited and its financial situation, a spokesman for the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) responded today (April 18) as follows:
     THB received a simple notification regarding the announcement of April 16, 2019 made by the Hong Kong Airlines Consultation Services Co. Ltd and Frontier Investment Partner on the same date. THB and the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) have been following up on the matter.
     The authorities concerned have met the relevant parties, and have written to the Hong Kong Airlines Limited (HKA) to impress upon them that the internal issues between the shareholders of HKA shall not affect the airline's aviation safety and operations, and they must protect the interests of travellers and the staff of the airline. The authorities concerned have also requested the relevant parties for further clarifications regarding the content of the said announcement.
     In addition, CAD has also stepped up the monitoring on HKA's flight operations and aviation safety, asked the airline to make regular reports to CAD on its operations, with a view to ensuring that the airlines' flight services during the Easter and Labour Day holidays will not be affected. 
     With regard to the financial situation of HKA, THB has been closely monitoring the developments and will take appropriate follow-up actions. THB noted the Air Transport Licensing Authority's press release issued on April 15, 2019 concerning HKA's financial situation, and have nothing to supplement at the moment.