Test, trace and isolate a target ‘SNP can’t afford to miss’


4 May 2020

The SNP cannot afford to miss its newly-set target for test, trace and isolate, for the sake of those whose health is suffering through lockdown.

Nicola Sturgeon announced today that she wanted to get more than 15,000 tests a day ready by the end of May, and recruit 2000 staff to operate the scheme.

That would mean a massive increase in testing capacity from the current position.

The Scottish Conservatives have warned that, given this initiative will be key to lifting elements of the lockdown, ministers had to get it “absolutely right”.

Leader Jackson Carlaw said the physical and mental health of the population was beginning to suffer, as Ms Sturgeon announced another potential three weeks of stringent measures.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“These aren’t targets the SNP can afford to miss.

“As we enter yet another potential period of extended lockdown, time is running out for those whose health is suffering under these unprecedented measures.

“If this test, trace and isolate drive will help ease lockdown, then it’s essential the SNP government gets it absolutely right.

“This cannot just be another example of Nicola Sturgeon’s government saying one thing and delivering something considerably less.

“All over Scotland, the physical and mental health of people is suffering, and they cannot afford to endure this longer than is necessary.”

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