Temporary suspension of all services of Inland Revenue Department from January 29 to February 2


     To implement the special work arrangement for Government departments in order to reduce the risk of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the community, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) today (January 28) announced that all its services will be temporarily suspended from tomorrow (January 29) to February 2, 2020.
     During the temporary suspension of services, deadlines for tax payments, lodgement of objections and holdover applications, submission of tax returns and information will be automatically extended to February 3, 2020. Penalties for failure to submit documents for stamping due to the suspension of services will be remitted provided that the documents concerned are submitted on the extended deadline of February 3, 2020. Taxpayers who need to have tax clearance before leaving Hong Kong during the temporary suspension of services should notify the IRD of their correspondence addresses in Hong Kong and overseas and Hong Kong contact telephone numbers (if any) by email (taxctr1@ird.gov.hk or taxctr2@ird.gov.hk) for alternative arrangements.
     The IRD will review the situation and make necessary announcement.

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