Temporary closure of offices of Official Receiver’s Office


     To implement the special arrangement for Government departments after the Lunar New Year holidays that was announced today (January 28), all offices of the Official Receiver's Office will be temporarily closed from tomorrow (January 29) and our services will be suspended until further notice.  
     Members of the public may access some of our services through the following means: – 

(a) online search service at GovHK for search for records of bankruptcy/compulsory winding-up cases (Note: Records are updated to the close of the last normal working day);
(b) telephone our hotline at 2867 2448 for general enquiries and recorded information;
(c) visit our website at www.oro.gov.hk for information relating to bankruptcy/compulsory winding-up; and 
(d) general enquiries and submission of documents (other than court documents) may be made by mail or by email at oroadmin@oro.gov.hk or by fax at 3105 1814.

     For any urgent matters or assistance required, members of the public may contact hotline of the Official Receiver's Office on 2867 2448.

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