Tata battery plant step towards more sustainable transport, say Greens

19 July 2023

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer has responded to Tata’s decision to build a new electric car battery plant in Bridgwater, Somerset [1]:

“The end of the production of diesel and petrol cars is in sight, and workers in those industries need to know where their futures lie. Today’s announcement will hopefully provide some assurance.

“Of course, electric cars are not a silver bullet for the climate crisis. They bring their own environmental costs and do not, in themselves, encourage better public transport options.

“However, they will play an important part of a wider strategy to move people and goods in a more sustainable way, alongside better facilities for walking, cycling and public transport.

“This factory is a long-delayed, small step toward recognising the need for a rapid transition to a new economy. It would be better still if this new facility was designed to supply batteries for mass transit vehicles as well as cars.

“The government has spent too much time dealing with economic crises of its own making following Brexit, and flip-flopping on green initiatives. It has created huge uncertainty for businesses and employees about whether it is serious about moving toward a net-zero economy.

“One-off deals are no substitute for a government strategy that supports workers and businesses to create the new, sustainable green industries of the future.

“We need a government strategy to give people and businesses confidence that moves to a net-zero economy are urgent and irreversible.”





For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401

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