Tai Shing Street Market to close from tonight to Tuesday for deep cleaning and disinfection


    The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) today (February 13) announced that in view of confirmed cases of COVID-19 found to be related to Tai Shing Street Market, for prudence's sake, the market will be closed an hour earlier today at 7pm, as well as all day tomorrow (February 14) and the day after (February 15). Deep cleaning and disinfection will be conducted during the closure period so as to safeguard the health and safety of market stall tenants and the public.

    A spokesman for the FEHD said, "The FEHD has immediately arranged to clean and disinfect the areas where the patient worked. Also, during the deep cleaning and disinfection period, the FEHD staff will thoroughly clean and disinfect communal areas and facilities in the market, and calls for co-operation of market tenants to conduct cleaning and disinfection at their respective stalls. In addition, the FEHD will arrange street washing and disinfection in the vicinity of the market."

    The FEHD will maintain liaison with tenants of the market, and ask them to go to community testing centres for free testing as soon as possible, and obtain negative results before they return to the market to work. If all goes well, the FEHD will reopen the market on February 16 (Wednesday) after the completion of the deep cleaning and disinfection work.

    The spokesman said, "The FEHD attaches importance to the hygiene conditions of public markets. In addition to regular cleaning work in the daytime, market service contractors also conduct thorough cleaning in all markets after the markets are closed every day. With the assistance offered by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department to the FEHD, we have completed a check on air change and installation of air purifiers according to needs in its markets in 2021; and are now following up with the installation of UVC sterilisers at escalator handrails at our markets.

    "During this epidemic period, the FEHD has already stepped up cleaning and disinfection of communal areas and facilities in the markets, including toilets, escalators, elevators and stair handrails with diluted household bleach regularly every day. Disinfectant hand sanitisers are also provided in the markets for public use."

    The FEHD will continue to closely monitor the situation of each market, and will conduct deep cleaning and disinfection work in other markets if necessary so as to maintain environmental hygiene.

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