If you can’t go Superfast yet – let us know
Over 645,000 premises in Wales can already access superfast broadband thanks to Superfast Cymru, and by the end of the year this figure is expected to reach 690,000.
From 2018 the Welsh Government will be working on how to reach the final few per cent of premises without access to superfast broadband. So that this work is as accurate as possible it needs to hear from those not yet connected.
A list of potential premises has been published and is open for comments until July 13. An interactive map can help residents and businesses check if they are already included on the list. The Welsh Government also wants to hear from communities who have an interest in driving their own solutions.
Minister for Skills and Science Julie James said:
“With over eight out of ten premises in Wales now able to access superfast broadband, the situation has improved greatly. This compares with just over half in 2014. This progress has been largely thanks to Superfast Cymru which is continuing to the end of this year.
“However, we are now at the stage where we are looking at the final few percent of premises not covered by the Superfast Cymru rollout or by the telecommunications companies’ own plans. So that the work we carry out from 2018 onwards is as effective as possible we need those without access to superfast broadband to let us know and take part in the consultation.
“The consultation will help us to further refine the list of unconnected premises. The more response we receive, the more comprehensive the list will be.
“If there are communities that have an interest in driving their own solutions, I want to hear from them.
“This is your chance to influence what happens with the final few per cent of premises in Wales who are not yet able to access superfast broadband.”
The consultation is available on: https://consultations.gov.wales/consultations/next-generation-access-broadband.
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