Tag Archives: Welsh Government


Youngsters given taste of world class engineering opportunities in Wales

Since the end of June, TRJ, appointed by Aston Martin Lagonda  to assist in the conversion of the  Superhanger at the  Aerospace Business Park (ABP)in St Athan, have been working closely with local schools where pupils are able to join in a ‘bridge building exercise’ promoting the benefits of STEM subjects and the construction and engineering industries. 

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates said: 

“I’m pleased that Aston Martin and one of their key suppliers at St Athan have engaged with the local community and are now making an important contribution to the education of our young people and their understanding of industry.  The future prosperity of Wales depends not only on the success of companies like Aston Martin but also on building the skills we need to support a vibrant economy.    

“We, along with Aston Martin, are committed to making St Athan a world leading manufacturing facility, by producing cars that Wales can be proud of. This investment in our economic infrastructure will be key to us achieving this goal. The planned investment by the Welsh Government in the Business Park and associated infrastructure was one of the key decision making factors in our assessment of the St Athan site.”

Karen Botting, Senior Manager – Learning and Development said:

“Aston Martin will offer a number of exciting career path opportunities at its new manufacturing facility and will be opening its apprentice programme in St Athan from 2019.  School visits such as the visit to Cowbridge Comprehensive are an excellent opportunity for our apprentices to meet with pupils, and to explain exactly what future careers are available at Aston Martin.”

Aston Martin are planning a full engagement programme with education establishments for 2018.

Alison Rees, Business Development & Community Liaison Manager for TRJ:

“This is a great opportunity for both companies to demonstrate what they have to offer, especially to the pupils of local schools who would be considering apprenticeships in the near future. 

“We are extremely grateful to pupils and teachers at Cowbridge Comprehensive who gave us a warm welcome when we visited the school to deliver two sessions of the ICE Bridge (Institution of Civil Engineers’ Bridge ) to two groups of pupil, showcasing the dynamics of Civil Engineering.  We look forward to future opportunities with Cowbridge and other schools in the area.”

Since Aston Martin Lagondas decision to choose Wales as the main location for the manufacturing of its new DBX crossover vehicle, TRJ have been playing an active part in ensuring the community benefits of this landmark economic development project are felt throughout the local area.  

Welsh Government will also be supporting TRJ, facilitating a ‘meet the buyer day’ where local trades and suppliers will be encouraged to make themselves known to TRJ, the main contractor to Aston Martin, allowing the local supply chain to be extended further.

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Wales attracting GB visitors for longer stays

Figures published today on visitors to Wales from GB show that Wales performed better than the rest of GB in the 12 months ending May 2017.

Thursday 07 September 2017

During this period, there were 9.657 million overnight visits to Wales by GB residents, with 34.554 million nights spent in Wales. Figures may indicate that people coming to Wales from GB are now finding more and more reasons to stay for longer – as the number of nights has increased by nearly 5%.

In comparison, the number of visits to GB as a whole has decreased by 3.7% over the same period, and the number of nights has decreased by 3.2%. 

Cabinet Secretary for the Economy and Infrastructure, said: 

“These indications are very positive for 2017. In what is an extremely competitive market place, tourism in Wales is in a strong position and these figures continue to reflect the success we have experienced over the last two years.  In addition to this, 87% of respondents in our tourism barometer survey undertaken in June said they were confident about how their business would perform over the summer.

We will continue with our campaign work to ensure that we make the most of the opportunities to attract those looking to holiday at home due to the weak pound.”

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Thurley Review of Amgueddfa Cymru

Dr Thurley makes a number of useful observations and recommendations which both the Cabinet Secretary and Welsh Government, and Amgueddfa Cymru will now consider in detail.

Cabinet Secretary, Ken Skates, said: 

“I’d like to thank Dr Thurley for his balanced, thoughtful and impartial report.  The review is a key step to help the Welsh Government identify the most appropriate ways in which we can help ensure Amgueddfa Cymru continues to thrive in the future, in what continue to be challenging financial times. 

“As outlined in the report on Historic Wales, I remain absolutely committed to enabling our heritage institutions to maximise the economic benefits that they bring to the people of Wales .

“We will now work closely with Amgueddfa Cymru’s Board of Trustees and Senior Management Team to determine how best to take the review and recommendations forward.”

In his review, Dr Thurley recognises the quality of Amgueddfa Cymru’s national collections, the expertise and knowledge of staff, its support of social and community development and its contribution to a knowledge of Welsh history and culture, and describes its achievements in these areas as having been outstanding. His recommendations also look at relations between Amgueddfa Cymru and Welsh Government; opportunities for commercial development as well as policy and governance, and future vision.

Dr Thurley, said: 

“I hope that my review and its recommendations will form a strong foundation for the museum, together with the Welsh Government, to meet the challenges and successfully move forward to the next stage in its history.” 

David Anderson, Director General of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales said: 

“We are pleased that the positive contribution made by Amgueddfa Cymru – through its staff, museums and collections – is acknowledged by Dr Thurley in his review.

“He describes Amgueddfa Cymru as one of the ‘great museums of the UK and a ‘successful and thriving organisation’, of which we are extremely proud. 

 “We recognise the need to make improvements in certain areas of our work including income generation and industrial relations, and Dr Thurley’s observations and recommendations provide a helpful framework to help us address these.”

Elisabeth Elias, President of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales said:

“I would like to thank the Cabinet Secretary for commissioning this Review, which has captured both the successes of this much-loved and iconic national institution as well as some of the challenges it faces.

“As a Board of Trustees we will be considering the recommendations in detail and supporting the Senior Management Team going forward in working with staff, the recognised Trade Unions and Government Officials in their implementation.”

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Brexit and Fair Movement of People

The Welsh Government has today launched its latest Brexit paper, which proposes a fair approach to future migration to the UK.

The paper, launched at GE Aviation in Nantgarw, puts the economic well-being of Wales at the heart of its approach. It sets out a position which, by linking migration to the UK more closely to employment, would both enable the UK to convince EU negotiators to agree to continued full and unfettered access to the Single Market after Brexit and ensure that Welsh employers would continue to access the skills they need.

The managed approach to migration would enable people from EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland to continue to come to the UK to work if they have a prior job offer, or to seek employment if they have a real prospect of finding a job quickly.

This approach would allow Wales and the UK to continue to benefit from inward migration, while addressing the concerns that featured prominently in the debate leading up to the Brexit referendum last June.

Today’s paper also sets out the need for vigorous enforcement of legislation to address peoples’ concerns over the potential for the exploitation of migrant workers to undermine wages and working conditions for all workers.

While making a forceful case for fair movement, the paper also addresses what might happen if the UK government decides to impose quantitative limits on migration from the EU. In this case, which would not be the preferred option of the Welsh Government, we would be minded to press for a specific quota for Wales.

First Minister Carwyn Jones said:

“It is essential that, post-Brexit, the system for migration between the EU and UK is one which is right for Wales, and for all parts of the UK. Our top priority is assuring our future economic prosperity through full and unfettered access to the Single Market.

“Our proposals provide a realistic basis for the UK’s negotiations with the EU, in contrast with what has been seen as “magical thinking” from the UK government.

“We recognise many people have concerns about the extent and speed of migration and we want to see more control over this. That is why we are proposing a fair system which would ensure future migration to the UK is linked to employment, with those wishing to come to the UK required to have a job, or the ability to find one quickly.”

Finance and Local Government Secretary, Mark Drakeford, said: 

“Our proposal, which links migration to work and tackles the ongoing exploitation of workers, is one which we believe would command wide support from people across Wales and the whole UK, and would provide a credible basis for the negotiations with the EU.

“While the Welsh Government is not responsible for immigration policy, this is a sensible and well-evidenced contribution to this important policy area and I strongly urge the UK government to give careful consideration to our proposals.

“Many people from overseas have moved to Wales and make a hugely positive contribution to Welsh society and our economy. This will not end once the UK has left the EU. We will continue to need to recruit doctors, nurses, engineers, workers for the tourism, food and agriculture sectors, academics, and others, after Brexit. We are starting to see a worrying number of EU citizens leaving the UK and the consequences of closing our borders altogether would do untold damage to Wales’ economy and public services. That does not need to happen, as this document demonstrates.”

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Get ready for quarantine units

From Monday 11 September, livestock keepers in Wales will be able to choose between using an approved Quarantine Unit (QU) to manage livestock movements or continuing to adhere to the Six Day Standstill (6DSS) on their whole holding. 

The new arrangements simplify the standstill regime and allow greater flexibility for livestock keepers, while maintaining movement control to prevent the spread of disease.

Lesley Griffiths said:

“We have developed Quarantine Units so livestock keepers have an alternative option to the Six Day Standstill arrangements. From next Monday, each individual livestock keeper will have more flexibility and be able to decide which approach – QUs or Six Day Standstill – best meets their requirements. I would advise livestock keepers, who have not yet done so, to familiarise themselves with the Quarantine Units operational rules and requirements.

Christianne Glossop added:

“QUs were developed at the request of, and in close collaboration with the industry. I am confident the additional flexibility available from Monday addresses issues raised by the industry around the Six Day Standstill whilst protecting against the spread of disease.”

More information on Quarantine Units and detailed guidance on their operational rules and requirements are available on the animal health and welfare pages.

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