Welsh site a perfect choice for Heathrow construction hub

Speaking to representatives of Heathrow Airport as part of their visit to Tata Steel Shotton, one of the shortlisted sites, the Economy Secretary said Welsh sites had a huge amount to offer. He stressed a decision by Heathrow to select a Welsh site as a Logistics Hub would bring huge and transformative benefits to Welsh businesses and communities. 

As part of its expansion programme, Heathrow has committed to create four logistic hubs in order to widen the supply chain and ensure the extensive build programme is resilient, sustainable and cost effective. This will ensure the economic  benefits of the Airport’s expansion are spread more evenly across the UK. 

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates said: Today’s event is about promoting all Wales has to offer in helping Heathrow to deliver their ambitious expansion plans.

“Wales really would be an ideal location for one of the Heathrow Logistics hubs. Our proven track record in construction and manufacturing, our readily available and highly experienced supply chain and our  skilled workforce all  make us a perfect choice.

“And of course the benefits for our businesses and communities would be huge, providing thousands of jobs and injecting millions of pounds into our economy.

This project offers huge opportunities and I am committed to ensuring that the Welsh Government does all it can to bring one of the hubs to Wales.”

Lord Deighton, Chairman at Heathrow Airport said:

“Heathrow Expansion is a once in a generation opportunity to transform the UK construction industry, build for the future and deliver a lasting skills legacy for future generations. All of this comes at a pivotal time for our country, as it prepares itself to leave the EU and where we need to build for our future in both travel and trade. 

“A new Heathrow runway will unlock up to 8,400 new skilled jobs and underpin up to £8bn in growth from construction through to increased tourism and exports for Wales. Exploring the possibility of locating a Logistics Hub in Wales is a key part of our commitment to the country as part of our Statement of Intent with the Welsh Government and we’re looking forward to seeing first-hand what the country has to offer.” 

Six Welsh Government promoted sites located in Shotton, Cardiff, Deeside, Newport, Ebbw Vale and Bridgend remain in the running to be one of four  Heathrow logistic hubs located across the UK.
Once selected, the four logistic hubs will be the location for the offsite construction of the infrastructure for Heathrow’s third runway with each of the hubs expected to deliver huge numbers of jobs and a major economic boost within its area. 

Bill Duckworth, Tata Steel site manager at Shotton in North Wales, said:

“Our site already produces the best building system products available and would make an ideal choice for one of the proposed Heathrow extension Logistics Hubs. This would present an ideal opportunity to work hand-in-hand with Heathrow not just as a hub, but possibly as a major supplier too.

“We have the land, the road, rail and sea links to the rest of the UK required by this landmark project and – most importantly – the belief to see what this can mean for the economies of Wales.”

Latest NHS Wales performance figures show progress on reducing waiting times

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: 

“After one of the busiest winters on record, latest figures show we are making important progress on reducing waiting times.

“The number of people waiting over eight weeks for diagnostics is at its lowest level in 9 years, 69% lower than this time last year. For therapy services, the number of people waiting over 14 weeks is at its lowest level in 7 years and 90% lower than this time last year.

“March also saw a 6.8% improvement in all cancers treated compared to February. The number of treatments for cancer in the last 12 months was 8.3% more than five years ago and the number treated in target time has increased by 7.3%. 

“The number of patients seen in emergency departments within four hours in April showed a 4.4 percent improvement on the March figure, up to 80%. Along with improvements in ambulance response times this shows pressures are beginning to ease after a very difficult winter for the NHS.

“We welcome the 30% reduction in the number of patients waiting over 12 hours for admission from emergency departments since March. 

“We expect more further significant progress on performance and are working with health boards to ensure they deliver improvements and will hold them to account if they do not.”

Construction begins on Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute in Broughton

Ahead of a turf cutting ceremony, the Economy Secretary described the institute as a “game changer”  that would provide a new level of support  to business and ensure collaboration between industry, academic partners and entrepreneurs in order to drive innovation, commercialisation, up skill the workforce and provide a catalyst for economic growth. This aligns with a number of core elements of the Welsh Government’s strategy Economic Action Plan.

The Welsh Government is investing £20m in the new institute which will have a strong focus on advanced manufacturing sectors including aerospace, automotive, nuclear and food.

It will deliver a totally new level of support to key manufacturing companies as well as multi-sector supply chain companies and the broader SMEs economy, and will be focused on increasing productivity, commercialisation, innovation and skills development.

The construction of the building in Broughton, which is due to be completed next year, is the first phase of a two site project. The Broughton site is scheduled to open by the end of 2019.

Airbus has been confirmed as the first tenant for the AMRI at Broughton which it is predicted could increase GVA (gross value added) by as much as £4bn over 20 years. The Welsh government is in advanced negotiation with AMRC Sheffield to operate the Centre and has recently appointed contractor Galliford Try to manage the construction phase.

The Economy Secretary said: 

“The Welsh Government is investing £20m in our new Advanced Manufacturing and Research Institute at Broughton, which will be a real game changer in terms of the support on offer to businesses.

“The AMRI will enable collaboration focused on innovation, research and commercialisation between industry, academic partners and entrepreneurs and I am delighted that Airbus will be the first tenant of the centre and will be progressing an exciting project here focussed on future wing technology.

“The AMRI will target commercialisation and development of world leading skills across the manufacturing spectrum as well as equipping the next generation of experts, innovators and leaders through training, to apprenticeship, to PhD level.

“This will ensure a thriving industry base that will be a catalyst for economic growth across the supply chain, increasing productivity and supporting competitiveness of Welsh industry at home and around the world.”

Paul McKinlay, Senior Vice President of Airbus and head of Broughton Plant said:

“We are delighted the Welsh Government selected the Broughton site as the location for this great new facility. The work we will conduct in AMRI will be a significant enabler for increased productivity not only for us in Airbus but also our wider supply chain.”

Making older people’s rights a reality will make Wales the best place in the world to grow old

Speaking at an event to celebrate the work and impact of the outgoing Older People’s Commissioner, Sarah Rochira, the First Minister, Carwyn Jones and Social Care Minister, Huw Irranca-Davies, announced the Welsh Government will be working with older people to take forward a programme of work that will  support everyone to live healthy, prosperous and rewarding lives. 
Early work will involve supporting all older people to have voice and control over their health and social care, with a focus on commissioning, safeguarding and advocacy.

This will include:

  • Revising the guidance relating to escalating concerns on care homes to ensure that older people are not put at risk due to the closure of the place where they live and call home. Where a closure is unavoidable, the guidance will ensure the care home is closed in a way that upholds the rights of residents;
  • Improving the quality, consistency and availability of Independent advocacy services, that give a voice to people who feel their views are being ignored;
  • Integrating the rights of older people into the process the Welsh Government uses to assess the impact its policies have on groups of people;
  • Working with older people to deliver a new programme of work that will address barriers to ageing well.

The First Minister has also confirmed that to further demonstrate the Welsh Government’s commitment to older people, from today the Minister for Children and Social Care will become the Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care. 

Wales has a long history of working with and for older people from the introduction of the first Strategy for Older People in Wales in 2003, to establishing the world’s first Older People’s Commissioner in 2008.

The First Minister, Carwyn Jones said:

“We are all living longer and healthier lives. I want Wales to be a nation that recognises and values the contribution made by older people to creating vibrant and supportive communities. 

“During her term, Sarah Rochira has sharpened our focus on ensuring all older people can enjoy a life that has value, meaning and purpose.  I agree with the her, that we must embed the well-being of older people into the heart of public services. To achieve this, we will be taking forward a programme of work that will make rights real for older people.”

Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care, Huw Irranca-Davies said:

“Prosperity for All, our national strategy to take Wales forward, commits us to supporting everyone to live healthy, prosperous and rewarding lives.The work I will lead will ensure we deliver these commitments to older people right across Wales.

“I would like to thank Sarah for all of her hard work and the constructive relationship we have enjoyed during her term as Older peoples commissioner. I know it has make a real difference to the lives of older people whatever their circumstance and will continue to do so for many years to come.”

New support for education leaders

A new body tasked with inspiring educational leaders of the future is to be launched today (Wednesday, 16 May). The National Academy for Educational Leadership will work with partners across the system to provide strategic support for those in current leadership roles as well as providing encouragement and inspiration for those who wish to pursue a leadership career in education.

Building on the good practice already delivered by inspirational, experienced and effective leaders working within the Welsh system, across the UK and internationally, the new organisation will be led by an independent team and accountable to a Board consisting of people with a range of skills that will support the Academy as it develops. A stakeholder group, representative of all sectors in education, will also be on hand to influence the continuous work of the Academy and ensure its relevance to the day to day work of school leaders.  

In making the announcement, Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams AM, emphasised the importance of strong leadership,

“It is crucial that we develop leaders who can inspire, not only our young people, but also their colleagues so we can work collaboratively to raise standards. 

“The academy will play a vital role in developing the current and future leadership talent for Wales and ensure all schools can deliver our new curriculum.

“The launch today is an important step in our national mission in delivering an education system that is a source of national pride and public confidence.”

A Shadow Board, led by former Chief Inspector of Schools Ann Keane, has been in place to oversee the instigation of the Academy co-ordinating workshops and consultation events all over Wales to ensure that the voice of practitioners has been a major influencing factor in the Academy’s on-going development.

Newly appointed Academy Chair Sue Davies expressed her delight at the launch,

“I believe this is a hugely important step for education in Wales as we recognise the crucial role leaders play in delivering the reform we want within the educational sector. While appreciating the need to nurture future leaders it is also vital that we provide appropriate support for those delivering leadership roles at present, in what can only be described as very challenging times.

“That is why we have ensured that key stakeholders, including school leaders, have been closely involved in developing this Academy and will continue to be involved for the foreseeable future as the work programme is rolled out.” 

To further support the organisation and provide practical input for school leaders already in place, a group of 12 associates, made up of head teachers from across Wales, has been established. Gwyn Tudur is head of Ysgol Tryfan in Bangor and explains the role of the associates,

“We see our role as ensuring the National Academy responds to the very real needs of those working in the Welsh educational system and especially those undertaking leadership responsibilities or looking to step up to leadership. We are looking to ensure that there will be very practical and relevant work programmes to help our colleagues feel they are part of a wider support structure, and that avenues of assistance will be on hand at all times.

“As school leaders, we can at times feel isolated, and the establishment of the National Academy for Educational Leadership and its core aims have been greatly appreciated.”

To begin to take forward the work of the Academy, the Cabinet Secretary will make a call for the first programmes to come forward for Endorsement. These initial programmes will be aimed at Acting Headteachers and those new to headship to come forward to seek endorsement from the Academy.  Endorsement will ensure that the provision available to our education professionals is high quality and accessible to all.