Aspiring farmers told “attitude is key”

Aspiring farmers were told “attitude is key” at an event for new entrants to the agricultural industry this week (Tuesday 26 February).

A ‘win-win’ for farmers, consumers and conservationists

A new study illustrating how British farms could produce more food while also supporting wildlife has been described as a “win-win” for farmers, consumers and conservationists.

Mongolia takes lessons from Scotland’s Rural College

A delegation from Mongolia visited SRUC to see first-hand how education is being delivered on the ground in the UK.

A celebration of citizen science

A celebration of citizen science following a year that saw more reportings of stranded marine life around Scotland’s coasts than ever before is to be held in the Highlands.

Supercomputers target TB

It is used regularly by global tech giants such as Google and Facebook, but now “deep learning” is set to become a key weapon in the fight against tuberculosis in cattle.