Cow gut DNA study finds bugs that could up meat and milk yields

Cutting-edge DNA technologies have discovered thousands of bugs in cows’ stomachs that could improve meat and dairy production, and keep cattle healthy.

‘Here’s one I planted earlier…’

A strong demand for wood fuel means pioneering Aberdeenshire farmers are now reaping the rewards of trees planted 20 years ago.

MSPs given lowdown on sustainable farming

Members of the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Economy & Connectivity Committee have been learning more about future sustainable agricultural policy and practices in Scotland.

First class mum

Silvia Divine has managed to juggle the challenges of getting married and having a baby with her studies to gain a first-class honours degree in Horticulture.

First-class mum

Silvia Divine has managed to juggle the challenges of getting married and having a baby with her studies to gain a first-class honours degree in Horticulture.