Over 400 ECPA2017 delegates discuss challenge of feeding growing world population from less land

The technical challenges of feeding a growing world population from less land is a key focus for over 400 delegates gathering in Edinburgh this week for a major conference.

Easter Howgate Farm hosts World Angus Forum

Over 100 Angus breeders and industry leaders from across the world have visited SRUC’s Easter Howgate Farm as part of the World Angus Forum tour of the UK and Ireland.

SRUC and farmer McDougall build bridges and confidence at science festival

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) recently participated in a Fife based Science Festival organised by Dundee’s Science Centre. 

The French Connection continues in the Highlands

A French student from sunny Bordeaux in the south west of France has just completed a five month internship at SRUC’s Hill & Mountain Research Centre, near Crianlarich.

SRUC research on cereal disease management presented in Lithuania

Recently Dr Henry Creissen of SRUC and Dr Thies Heick of Aarhus University were invited to present their research findings to the Lithuanian State Agricultural Advisory Service.