Award winning Scottish research could pave the way for ‘low-emission cattle’

A Scottish study that potentially paves the way for the breeding of low-emission livestock has won an internationally respected research prize.

SAC Consulting calls on farmers to take action following wet summer

SAC Consulting, part of Scotland’s Rural College, is calling on all livestock farmers in areas affected by wet summer weather to plan for the coming winter to ensure adequate feed levels.

Elmwood student takes to the stage at prestigious flower and food festival

Craig Trewern a former hospitality student from the Elmwood Campus of SRUC recently took part in one of the areas’ largest and most well attended flower, food and drink festivals in Dundee.

SRUC students enjoy summer placement with SAC Consulting

Three SRUC students have enjoyed 10 week placements in offices around the country with SAC Consulting, part of Scotland’s Rural College.

Crofters and farmers hear from experts on suckler cows ahead of major island sale

A healthy audience of over 30 crofters and farmers gathered last weekend on the Isle of Skye to hear from experts on all the stages of managing cows for suckled calf production through to sale.