SRUC student among ‘heroic’ award winners

A student at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has been hailed a “British Farming Hero” for helping to draw attention to the issue of mental wellbeing in agriculture.

Aluna looking for the crème de la crème of African dairy cows

Aluna Chawala, whose studies are funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, spent eight months in Africa meeting with more than 500 individual dairy farmers.

Students flock to Kirkton & Auchtertyre to help with their studies

A wide range of SRUC students have been making good use of the SRUC’s Kirkton & Auchtertyre research farms, near Crianlarich, this autumn.

Flying high in Arkansas

While most students spend the summer months on holiday, SRUC Rural Business Management student Will Blair was flying drones in Arkansas, USA!

SRUC launches new three-year drive to build awareness of mental ill health

Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has launched a new three-year healthy learning and wellbeing strategy to support staff and students to improve productivity and learning.