Research with a global reach

Researchers recently welcomed academics from one of the world’s poorest countries to SRUC with the aim of helping their university to develop an agronomy degree.

Time to check your soil

A comprehensive ‘MOT for the soil’, measuring everything from pH levels to earthworm activity, has been created by Scotland’s Rural College.

All good for Hood

A career change in his 40s has led to trainee greenkeeper Gregg Hood winning SRUC’s Elmwood campus’s annual John Deere HNC Student of the Year Award, also sponsored by Scottish turf dealer Double A.

Times Higher Education honour for SRUC

Ground-breaking research into cattle methane emissions and an innovative genetics evaluation service has earned Scotland’s Rural College two nominations at this year’s Times Higher Education Awards.

Scotland creates Europe’s first ‘Entanglement Alliance’

A new research project into marine animal entanglements in Scottish waters has been launched.