Labour will abolish the rape clause

A Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn will abolish the Tories’ abhorrent ‘rape clause’ policy across the UK.

The 'rape clause' forces women who have conceived a child as a result of rape to fill out an eight-page form to claim tax credits if it's the woman's third child.

Last month, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale used a Holyrood debate to read out the powerful and moving testimony from a woman who conceived a child following rape.

But Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has repeatedly defended the 'rape clause'.

Labour’s UK manifesto states: “The cuts to work allowances in Universal Credit (UC), and the decision to limit tax credit and UC payments to the first two children in a family, are an attack on low-income families and will increase child poverty.

“Labour will reform and redesign UC, ending six-week delays in payment and the ‘rape clause’.”


UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: “Labour will end the abhorrent rape clause across the UK.

“Kezia Dugdale’s powerful speech in the Scottish Parliament demonstrated the heart-breaking reality of the rape clause.

"Theresa May and Ruth Davidson should be ashamed of this policy.

“Only a Labour government that works for the many, not the few, can bring this policy to an end.”

Constituency profile: East Lothian

Martin Whitfield

Constituency: East Lothian

Candidate: Martin Whitfield 

About the candidate: Martin lives in East Lothian and teaches in Prestonpans Primary School. He is a community campaigner, and has been involved in causes like the Grace's Sign Campaign for people with hidden disabilities and has campaigned to improve local train services.

The choice at this election: Labour's Iain Gray won the equivalent Scottish Parliament constituency seat in 2016, and at the 2017 local government election Labour beat the SNP and the Tories. It will be a close fight and every vote will count. Only Labour can beat the SNP here.  The Tories aren't at the races.

Martin said: "I'm delighted and honoured to stand for the East Lothian constituency, where I live and work.

"I love East Lothian and know that it has been let down time and again by the SNP. My promise in this campaign is simple.  I will always stand up for East Lothian and always put its interests first.

"On June 8 we can send a powerful message to Nicola Sturgeon that we do not want another divisive independence referendum, but instead a fair share for our schools, hospitals and other local services.  Only Labour can beat the SNP in East Lothian, and it’s time for an MP who is focused on this county not another referendum."

Only Labour can beat the SNP in East Lothian


Almost half a million food parcels handed out since 2011

15 May 2017

Almost half a million food parcels handed out since 2011

Food banks have handed out nearly half a million emergency food parcels under the SNP and the Tories, new analysis from Scottish Labour reveals. 

Labour analysis of Trussell Trust figures shows that, since figures began being recorded, 488,766 three-day emergency food parcels were handed out, with more than 150,000 going to children.

Further cuts would drive more families into poverty and towards food banks. A Labour government would deliver a real living wage of £10 an hour and invest in local services.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“Under the Tories and the SNP nearly half a million emergency food parcels have been handed out to people across Scotland.

“That’s the brutal reality of two governments more obsessed with the constitution than delivering for working families. In a country as wealthy as Scotland it should shame the SNP and the Tories that working families can’t afford to feed themselves.

“A Labour government will end austerity in the UK. Labour will invest in local services, abolish the bedroom tax and deliver a real living wage of £10 an hour.

“That’s the difference a Labour government can make. Labour will focus on the day job, while the SNP obsesses with independence and the Tories drive us towards a hard Brexit.

“Every Scottish Labour MP we send to the House of Commons will oppose austerity and fight for the best Brexit deal for Britain. 

“On 8 June we can send Nicola Sturgeon a message that she should focus on the day job instead of trying to force another divisive independence referendum.”

Agree with our plan? Help share our message. 

SNP has failed a generation of children

Nicola Sturgeon’s obsession with independence has led to a lost generation in our schools, Kezia Dugdale has said.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale will visit Better World Books in Dunfermline today to highlight the SNP’s woeful record on education.

Recent figures show standards in reading, writing and numeracy have all fallen during the SNP’s decade of division, including:

·         There are 4000 fewer teachers and 1000 fewer school support staff since the SNP came to office in 2007

·         There are 700 vacancies in our schools that will take at least three years to fill

·         Class sizes are among the highest in the developed world

·         In literacy, the gap between the richest pupils and the rest has not closed

·         Standards in reading and writing have fallen since 2012

·         In numeracy, standards have fallen and the gap between the richest and the rest increased

Ms Dugdale said voters have the chance on June 8 to tell Nicola Sturgeon to drop her obsession with a divisive second independence referendum and instead fix the mess she has made of our schools.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“Nicola Sturgeon claims education is her top priority – but these figures prove all she cares about is independence.

“During the SNP’s decade of division, we have seen nothing but declining standards and growing class sizes.

“SNP neglect has led to a lost generation of Scottish children who are simply not getting the education they need and deserve.

“Voters in Scotland and across the UK have the chance on June 8 to tell Nicola Sturgeon to stop obsessing about independence and get on with the job of fixing the mess she has made of our schools.

“A Labour government would invest in education and stand for the many, not the few.”

Child poverty growing to horrendous levels under the SNP and the Tories

13 May 2017

Child poverty growing to horrendous levels under the SNP and the Tories – Gordon Brown 

Shameful new figures show that child poverty in Scotland is projected to rise to unprecedented levels by the year 2022, Gordon Brown revealed.

In just five years’ time, 320,000 girls and boys will be living in hardship, figures based on Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) forecast.

And the former Prime Minister says that the ‘horrendous’ statistic should be a defining issue of the General Election on June 8, not the Brexit nationalism v Scottish nationalism intransigence which is sidelining real issues such as poverty.

Mr Brown said: “There were 220,000 children in poverty in 2014-15 then 260,000 in 2015-16 – the biggest single rise in one year for an entire generation.

“Do not forget this figure – 40,000 more children in poverty in just 12 months.

“Then look at what is being reliably forecast by the IFS and Rowntree Trust for the year 2022:

“In less than five years’ time 320,000 children living in Scotland – that is one in every three – will officially be in poverty.

“The total number of Scots in poverty in 2015-16 was 1,050,000. But under this Government that number is set to increase by 150,000 – to 1,200,000 by 2021-22.

“In Scotland, we have also seen a dramatic rise of the working poor: 70 per cent of Scottish children affected by poverty have at least one parent in work.

“This means that out of the 260,000 currently in poverty, 180,000 of them are in families where at least one parent is actually employed. By 2022 this figure will rise – and there will be 220,000 children in poor working families.

“It is a horrendous projection – the biggest rise in poverty and child poverty since the bleak Thatcher/Major years and it begs two questions: Exactly what kind of country are Theresa May’s Tories attempting to create? And why are the SNP doing nothing about it if child poverty is on course to reach such shameful record  levels?

“This election on June 8th must not just  be about Conservatives standing up to Europe or nationalists standing up to Britain but it should be about all of us standing up to injustice, standing up to poverty, standing up to deprivation and standing up to inequality.
“With the Tories' Brexit nationalism and the SNP's Scottish nationalism offering no answers to the real hardships poverty poses, the only party that can really build and deliver social justice in Scotland is Labour.
“The Tories want to fight the election in England on being anti-European and in Scotland on being anti-independence. The SNP belt out the same old song for an independent Scotland.

“But who will fight for those girls and boys whose fathers or mothers work all week and still can’t keep their kids out of poverty?
“If housing benefit no longer covers rent, if a giro cheque no longer covers food and basic necessities, if the heating allowance  no longer cover the cost of fuel, if the social fund does not exist and no one covers basic essentials such as cookers….then no wonder poverty is rising.

“In their manifesto the Tories will do nothing but make things worse. And don’t expect that the SNP will come charging to the rescue. For a long time they have had the powers to act but continually refuse to do so.

“I believe, on June 8, we are not just casting a ballot but we are setting the direction of our country for years to come.
“But the Tories seem hell-bent on dividing it – socially and economically –  and to be waging a war, especially against the people they claim to be helping – those who are simply working hard to make a living.

“Change it now. Children have to be on the ballot paper, education has to be on the ballot paper, poverty has to be on the ballot paper an inequality has to be on the ballot paper.
“Surely every single candidate standing in this General Election has to be asked where they stand on this critical question: How do we stop child poverty rising further and how do we start to bring these record figures down? Is there anything more important?

“I am speaking about the right of every child to escape poverty, the right of every boy and girl to have a chance and the right to bridge the gap between what they are today and what they have it in themselves to become. 

“Let’s be honest, seven years of UK Conservative government and now 10 years of the Scottish government have not made poverty less widespread but made it more widespread.

“ At the moment  Scotland is seeing no progress on what matters most –  social justice,  because politics  is frozen between two extremes of Scottish nationalism and Brexit nationalism.

“This is why the Labour Party is needed –  not just to deliver social justice in Scotland but to deliver economic prosperity for all .”