Corporate report: Government Office for Science annual report: 2015 to 2016

This annual report sets out the activities and achievements of the Government Office for Science from April 2015 to March 2016. It covers:

  • our responsibilities
  • highlights of 2015 to 2016
  • responding to emergencies
  • Foresight projects
  • Council for Science and Technology projects
  • financial information

Correspondence: Science and technology in the new government’s programme – July 2016

Letter to the Prime Minister about ideas for a new economic and industrial strategy.

Correspondence: Robotics, automation and artificial intelligence

Advice to the Prime Minister on opportunities in robotics, automation and artificial intelligence for the UK.

Correspondence: Improving entrepreneurship education

Advice to the Prime Minister on how to encourage more undergraduates to start innovative enterprises.

UK to lead the way in quantum technologies

A new report explores how the UK could benefit from quantum technologies.