Correspondence: Harnessing technology to meet increasing care needs

Advice to the Prime Minister on how to improve the use of technology in social care, and the Prime Minister’s response.

Correspondence: Harnessing technology to meet increasing case needs

In a letter to the Prime Minister, the Council for Science and Technology (CST) explores how technology could help address the specific challenges affecting care and support. CST make 4 recommendations for government and industry to consider.

Correspondence: Science and technology for economic benefit across the UK

Advice to the Prime Minister on how the government can encourage science and technology to deliver economic benefits that are shared across the UK.

Correspondence: Science and technology for economic benefit across the UK

In this letter to the Prime Minister, CST outlines 7 proposals that the government and others can carry out to deliver economic benefits across the UK. The proposals seek to build on the UK’s science and technology strengths.

The proposals include:

  • encouraging local economies to identify the range of science and technology related assets they already have
  • maximising their existing assets
  • creating the right conditions for further investment
  • encouraging greater innovation in businesses across the UK’s sectors and regions

Correspondence: Advice on the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund

In this letter to Innovate UK and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), CST considers the selection of challenge areas and how the fund is administered.

They advise that the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund should be seen in the wider perspective of the economic challenges that the country faces:

  • improving productivity
  • encouraging growth
  • delivering economic opportunities more widely across the UK

They recommend that potential challenges are selected and evaluated against criteria that use these priorities as their basis.