Research and analysis: Specific Learning Difficulties: current understanding, support systems, and technology-led interventions

A series of rapid evidence reviews exploring current research and technology applicable to learners with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs).

Research and analysis: Specific Learning Difficulties: current understanding, support systems, and technology-led interventions

A series of rapid evidence reviews exploring current research and technology applicable to learners with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs).

Correspondence: Advice on net-zero energy challenges

Advice to the Minister for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, to summarise briefing sessions on retrofitting to decarbonise homes and developing a hydrogen economy.

Transparency data: CST register of members’ interests

The public appointments, personal and business interests, and political activity of members of the Council for Science and Technology.

Government publishes new strategy to kickstart data revolution across the UK

National Data Strategy will boost the use of data to drive growth, boost innovation, create new jobs and improve public services