Tag Archives: politics


News story: Holocaust memorial designs exhibition in the Scottish Parliament

Visit the exhibition of shortlisted designs for the National Holocaust Memorial at the Scottish Parliament from 27 March to 1 April.

An exhibition of the shortlisted designs for a National Holocaust Memorial and education centre is on display in the Scottish Parliament between 27 March and 1 April.

The new National Holocaust Memorial and accompanying education centre will stand in Victoria Tower Gardens in Westminster, London. This striking new structure will honour victims and survivors of Nazi persecution and will act as a national voice against hatred in our world today.

The international design competition sought to harness the very best architectural talent to create an emotionally powerful and sensitively designed memorial. 92 design teams expressed an interest in the project, with a shortlist of 10 invited to submit concept designs on display as part of this exhibition.

Consultation with the public, those working in the field of Holocaust remembrance and education, as well as technical experts will play a crucial role in informing the final decision of the jury. Visitors are invited to give their views as part of the exhibition.

You can also view the 10 shortlisted designs and submit your feedback by email: ukhmf@cabinetoffice.gov.uk. Remember to specify which design team you’re referring to when providing feedback.

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Mark Drakeford announces additional £20m for social care in 2017-18

The extra funding announced today is on top of the £25m for social care provided to local authorities through the Revenue Support Grant and £10m to help meet workforce cost pressures in the final 2017-18 Budget.

It brings the additional investment for social care to £55m in 2017-18, which is in line with the extra investment  made in social care in England.

Announcing the funding today, Professor Drakeford said:

“This announcement demonstrates the importance that we attach to our social care sector.

“Despite the cuts we have seen to our budget, we have continued to prioritise funding for social care and taken specific measures to support the sustainability of the social care sector, including investing £60m through the Intermediate Care Fund to support the integration of health and social care. 

“The extra £20m announced today provides an important boost and brings our total additional investment in social services to £55m in 2017-18.”

Minister for Social Services and Public Health Rebecca Evans added:

“The social care sector is of national strategic importance to the Welsh Government.

“When combined, this £55m of funding shows that once again Wales is leading the way when it comes to ensuring that social care is properly financed and resourced.”

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