Press release: Do you want to make a difference to flood risk in the South West?
The Environment Agency is looking for enthusiastic applicants from all walks of life to fill a vacancy on the South West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC). Being an RFCC member is an exciting opportunity to help guide local flood and coastal management across the whole region.
The South West RFCC covers Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The successful applicant will play an important role in:
- deciding on local priorities
- approving programmes of work
- supporting the Environment Agency and lead local flood authorities in working with communities and other partners.
They will have a key role in balancing local priorities and making sure that investment is co-ordinated at the river catchment and shoreline scale, as well as promoting the consideration of climate change impacts in local decision making.
The Environment Agency is recruiting for one member to represent nature, conservation and wider environmental issues. This member will need to provide an environmental perspective at meetings, helping the committee to understand the conservation impact of specific plans or projects.
The member will also:
- monitor and review programmes of flood and coastal risk management work and the conservation issues to be addressed
- provide a link between the committee, Natural England and other conservation organisations in the committee’s area.
A key role will be ensuring the aims of the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy are embodied within the committee’s decisions and to ensure consistency between strategic and local plans.
People from a wide range of backgrounds are invited to apply for this post, especially those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds and women who are currently under-represented on regional flood and coastal committees.
Further information and an application form is online, or from or call 0203 025 32478 or 07976 256 299.
The closing date for applications is on Wednesday 12 April 2017 at 5.30pm.