Tag Archives: political


Green Party calls on all councils to welcome refugees after ‘national disgrace’ of asylum seekers’ housing revealed

31 January 2017

The Green Party has branded the poor housing and lack of support for refugees in the UK a “national disgrace” and called on every council in the country to step up and take in refugees.

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, made the call after it was revealed some asylum seekers were living in “rat infested” conditions [1].

Bartley said:

“That we would house those fleeing conflict and persecution in rat infested conditions is nothing short of a national disgrace.

“How low can Britain go? This country has a proud history of being a safe haven where those who have been abused, traumatised and suffered violations of their basic human rights can find protection and support. That heritage is being betrayed by this Government.

“We need to see every single local authority welcoming refugees and it is unacceptable that while some councils have taken in hundreds of asylum seekers others, like in the Prime Minister’s own constituency, have taken none at all.

“We are all citizens of the world and we all have a responsibility to provide sanctuary for those fleeing persecution. With the barbaric policies coming from Trump’s America this week the UK should be showing the world how we can and must do better.”


  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38799694


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