Today’s leak is deeply worrying for the 1,160 workers at Ford’s Bridgend plant who may lose their jobs by 2021 – Rebecca Long-Bailey

Long-Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary
, commenting on a
leaked report which reveals over a thousand jobs are at risk at Ford’s Bridgend
base, said:  

leak is deeply worrying for the 1,160 workers at Ford’s Bridgend plant who may
lose their jobs by 2021.

Government must urgently provide further details of the dialogue they have had
with Ford and provide much needed assurances to the families who will be affected.

is becoming clearer each week that the Government’s approach is to jump from
crisis to crisis and offer assurances to individual companies on a piecemeal
basis. This is failing to give the manufacturing sector the certainty it so

News story: Minister for Policing and the Fire Service visits the Police Rehabilitation Centre

During his visit, the minister spoke with staff and met patients as well as touring the facilities at the centre, which helps both serving and retired police officers who are sick or injured from 29 forces across England and Wales. Each year, the Police Rehabilitation Centre helps more than 3,500 police officers get back to health and return to work.

Minister for Policing and the Fire Service Brandon Lewis said:

I’ve heard a lot about the excellent work that staff at Flint House do helping support brave police officers, who may have been injured in the line of duty or are in need of help. I was very keen to come down to see their work and to meet some of the staff and patients here and thank them for their efforts.

Police officers and staff do so much to keep our communities safe. Sometimes that means putting themselves in harm’s way on our behalf, which is why it is really important that charities such as the Police Rehabilitation Centre are here to support them when they need it most.

Earlier this month, an initiative coordinated by the Police Federation for England and Wales saw the launch of a new website,, which is part of a new effort from policing charities to improve access and signpost officers, staff and their families in need of support to the correct organisations such as Flint House.

The Police Rehabilitation Centre at Flint House provides individually planned and intensive rehabilitation for police officers and includes healthcare and mental health facilities as well as residential accommodation. It is funded primarily through small weekly donations from serving officers.

The Police Rehabilitation Centre Chief Executive Officer Tom McAuslin said:

I am very pleased that the minister found time to visit Flint House and to see the good work undertaken helping to get ill and injured police officers back on duty.

BL Rehabilitation Centre

Dr Jitendra Singh discusses Manipur situation with state Governor Dr Najma Heptulla

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh called on the Governor of Manipur, Dr. Najma Heptulla, here today and discussed the prevailing situation in the State.

China in countdown to annual political high season

Members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee have started to gather in Beijing for the top political advisory body’s annual session, which is scheduled to open Friday.

Political advisors from central China’s Henan Province were the first to arrive on Wednesday.

On Sunday, the National People’s Congress (NPC), the top legislature, will also convene its annual session. Dubbed the “two sessions,” the dual gathering is significant in China’s political calendar as it sets the national agenda for the year and beyond.

This year the meetings carry extra weight as they are the fifth and last sessions of the 12th NPC and the 12th CPPCC National Committee.

At the parliamentary assembly, legislators are expected to deliberate a draft decision on deputy elections for the 13th NPC, and draft methods for the election of deputies to the 13th NPC from Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions.

The two sessions are also the first high-profile national political events held since President Xi Jinping was endorsed as the core of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee at a key CPC meeting last October.

Pledges to conform to the CPC Central Committee with Xi as the core are expected to feature significantly.

“The CPC needs a strong core of leadership. Otherwise, it will have no cohesiveness or competence to lead all manners of undertakings. The endorsement of Xi as the core has come naturally, with the backing of the entire Party and the people,” said Xin Ming, a professor with the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

Much of the focus during the March sessions will center on the economic front, as in previous years, with a government work report to be delivered by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to confirm the country’s growth targets for the year.

China registered 6.7 percent GDP growth in 2016, a nearly three-decade low, amid concerns over weak growth momentum in major economies, rising trade protectionism, domestic debt overhang, excess capacity and a highly leveraged property market.

However the growth rate was within the Chinese government’s target range and outpaced most other major economies, scotching rumors of a hard landing.

Although no official target for this year will be available until the opening of the parliamentary session, China has targeted average annual growth of more than 6.5 percent during the 13th-five-year plan (2016-2020).

Explaing the plan to a key Party conference in late 2015, President Xi Jinping said maintaining an average annual growth of at least 6.5 percent was necessary to reach the target of doubling GDP and per capita income from 2010 levels by 2020.

The target is crucial for China to attain its two centenary goals: becoming a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2021, the 100th anniversary of the CPC, and a modern socialist country that is “prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious” by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

“I see 2017 as showing considerable continuity with 2016. Growth will continue to be fueled primarily by the increasing importance of consumption as opposed to investment, and services as opposed to industry,” said Nicholas R. Lardy, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

With the CPC set to hold its 19th National Congress in Beijing in the second half of the year, stabilizing the economy will be prioritized by policymakers.

A Central Economic Work Conference late last year made “seeking progress while maintaining stability” the main theme for economic work in 2017, pledging progress in supply-side structural reform.

Xu Guangjian, vice dean of Renmin University’s School of Public Administration, is confident in China’s ability to maintain medium-high growth of 6.5 to 7 percent.

“The domestic market is yet to be further tapped, the infrastructure sector has huge potential for investment and resident consumption keeps growing steadily,” he said.

Zheng Xinye, assistant dean of Renmin University’s School of Economics, suggested increasing effective supply in medical, education and housing sectors in order to meet people’s needs, give people a greater sense of gain and ensure steady economic growth.

For those eyeing the effects of China’s economic projects on the rest of the world, the Belt and Road Initiative will be a focus.

The initiative, which has yielded infrastructure projects, economic and trade cooperation zones, and jobs, is telling evidence of China’s resolution to champion free trade and open markets amid increasing anti-globalization sentiment and rising trade protectionism.

“The Initiative signals China’s active participation in global economic and financial governance. Rather than a passive player in the building and maintenance of the international economic order, China has taken on responsibilities that match its economic status and national strength,” Xu said.

Lawmakers and political advisors will also take the occasion to review and discuss a draft General Provisions of Civil Law, which states the basic principles of the country’s long-awaited civil code.

The drafting of the general provisions started in March 2015. Since June last year, the draft has gone through three readings at the top legislature. During the process, many opinions and revisions have been taken on board to address people’s concerns, adapt to the country’s needs and embody socialist values.

It is rare for a draft law or an amendment to go through three readings and not be passed. One outstanding case was the property law, which was passed in March 2007 after eight readings.

The draft states that personal liberties and human dignity are protected by the law, and is expected to be approved at the upcoming parliamentary session, a crucial first step in introducing a civil code, hopefully in 2020.

Since a decision to compile a civil code was made in October 2014, it has been treated as a necessary move to perfect the country’s socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, and significant in modernizing state governance.

Compiling a civil code takes two steps: formulating the general provisions, and integrating separate civil laws into a unified code.

“The making of the general provisions and the civil code will elevate the protection of civil rights to a new height,” said Professor Yin Tian with the Law School of Peking University.

“This will contribute significantly to promoting the sound development of the economy, improving state governance, and preventing state power from encroaching upon the legitimate rights of civil subjects,” Yin said.

Other topics at the NPC session include a state budgetary review, military spending and law enforcement.

China announced a 7.6 percent rise in its national defense budget last year, the lowest growth in six years, breaking off a five-year run of double-digit increases between 2011 and 2015.

The increase in 2015 was 10.1 percent.

News story: OTS welcomes new Tax Director

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Paul Morton takes up post as the OTS’s new Tax Director.