News story: Track workers struck by ballast, Chathill

Track workers struck by ballast thrown from the track bed by a passing train near Chathill, Northumbria, 16 February 2017.

At around 10:10 hrs on 16 February 2017 two track workers were struck by flying ballast. This was thrown from the track bed by a train on which a flexible hose had become detached at one end and was dragging on the ground. Neither track worker suffered significant injury.

We have undertaken a preliminary examination into the circumstances surrounding this accident. Having assessed the evidence which has been gathered to date, we have decided to publish a safety digest.

The safety digest will shortly be made available on our website.

Conservative Ministers are out of ideas and have no long-term plan to fix the cost of housing crisis – John Healey

Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Housing
, responding to
new figures released today showing that home-ownership has fallen to the lowest
rate in 30 years, said:

new government figures show yet another fall in the home-ownership rate in
England to the lowest rate in more than 30 years. There are now almost 200,000
fewer home-owning households than in 2010 when Conservative Ministers first
took charge.

the number of people stuck in an insecure and increasingly expensive private
rented sector has grown dramatically over the last seven years. Since 2010, the
number of households renting privately as ballooned by over a million.

seven years of failure on housing, not only has home-ownership fallen, but
affordable housebuilding has hit a 24 year low and rough sleeping has more than
doubled. The truth is Conservative Ministers are out of ideas and have no
long-term plan to fix the cost of housing crisis.

May says she wants a country that works for everyone, so she should back
Labour’s plans to build thousands more affordable homes to rent and buy,
improve rights for renters and end the scandal of rough sleeping.”    

The CQC’s stark warning that our NHS stands on a ‘burning platform’ must be at the forefront of the Chancellor’s priorities ahead of next week’s Budget – Jonathan Ashworth

Ashworth MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Health
, commenting on
the CQC’s State of Hospitals report, said:

CQC’s stark warning that our NHS stands on a ‘burning platform’ must be at the
forefront of the Chancellor’s priorities ahead of next week’s Budget.

hardworking and stretched NHS staff cannot be expected to pick up the pieces
from this Government’s failure to properly fund our NHS and social care system.

the worst winter crisis in years, in which nine out of ten hospitals were left
dangerously overcrowded, the public expects urgent action to rectify years of
damaging Tory neglect.”

Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2016

On the basis of the written results of the Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2016 held by the Union Public Service Commission in November, 2016, (12-11-2016 to 23-11-2016), the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for Personality Test.

Notice: Compensation Releases From Winterburn Reservoir

The Environment Agency consult the public on certain projects which are of ecological benefit.

These notices explain:

  • what the activity is
  • which Environment Agency offices and their partners offices you can write to
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