Tag Archives: political


Julie Cooper reponds to 20p increase in prescription charges

Julie Cooper MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Minister for Care in the Community, commenting on the 20p increase in prescription charges, said:

“It is disappointing to see the Government increasing prescription charges. While 20p may not seem a lot it will impact on those people who are already struggling with the rising cost of living. At the same time the Government is also increasing patient charges for NHS dental care, as well as raising charges for wigs and fabric supports.

“The rise in prescription charges is a reflection of this Government’s financial mismanagement of the National Health Service. At a time when the cost of living continues to rise the Government ought to be doing much more to help people with the cost of healthcare.”

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We don’t need another divisive referendum – Kez

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s remarks about any future referendum on Scotland leaving the UK, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“Scottish Labour will vote against Nicola Sturgeon’s demands for a second referendum on Scotland leaving the UK. Our country is divided enough – we don’t need another divisive referendum.

“We need the SNP government to get on with the day job. That means focusing on jobs, growing the economy and helping family incomes.

“Scottish Labour believes that together we’re stronger, and the Labour Party I lead will never support leaving the UK.

“Holding another referendum on leaving the UK is the wrong thing to do for Scotland’s economy, especially when there is so much economic uncertainty from the Tories’ reckless and complacent plans for a hard Brexit.

“We should not forget that we are only in this position because of the Tories’ reckless Brexit gamble.

“There absolutely should not be another independence referendum until after Brexit. We have no idea what Brexit looks like, or how it will impact our economy and families in Scotland. People cannot be asked to make a decision about the future of our 300-year old Union in the dark. If there is to be another vote the people of Scotland deserve clarity on what they are being asked to vote on.

“Nicola Sturgeon should stop trying to pretend that if Scotland leaves the UK we would remain in the EU. It is clear that a separate Scotland would need to reapply for EU membership from scratch, regardless of the Brexit process.

“If after Brexit we have that clarity and the people of Scotland want a referendum on leaving the UK then it isn’t the job of the UK government to stand in the way of that. But if there has to be another referendum it cannot be a stitch up by either Nicola Sturgeon or Theresa May.”

If you believe that together we’re stronger together then seen our pledge at www.togetherstronger.scot

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Tory disarray: a government agenda unravelling

Andrew Gwynne MP, Labour’s Campaigns and Elections Chair, commenting on the unravelling of the Tory Budget, said:

“The Tories are in a mess, riven by infighting and failure and disarray.

“They have embarrassed themselves over the Budget, they still have no answers on Brexit and they’re fighting between themselves rather than fixing the problems.

“Theresa May says she has a plan and is sticking to it, but almost every day we see another promise broken or another change of heart. Flagship policies are being delayed or abandoned altogether while working people across this country bear the brunt of the Tories’ incompetence.

“It is now clearer than ever that Theresa May cannot give Britain the change we need. Working people deserve better than Tory failure – only a Labour Government will stand up for them and their families.”


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Rebecca Long-Bailey responds to reports Toyota is to invest £240m in a UK plant at Burnaston

Rebecca Long-Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on reports that Toyota is to invest in a UK plant at Burnaston, said:

“The decision by Toyota to invest £240 million to upgrade its Burnaston plant is very welcome news. It is testament to the world-class workforce there whose excellence, hard work, and efficiency makes the UK car industry so strong.

“However, we should not be complacent. As the chief executive of Toyota Motor Europe warned; continued, predictable and uncomplicated tariff and impediment-free access will be important for future success. This is why the Government needs to secure tariff and impediment free access to the Single Market and Customs Union and re-enforce this with a coherent industrial strategy, which invests in the supply chain, R&D, infrastructure and skills. Only by doing this will the Government protect jobs in the UK car industry and ensure the continued success of this sector.”

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