Cabinet Secretary announces Arts Council appointments

The terms of appointment for Ms Kate Eden, Dr Rachel O’Riordan and Mr Dafydd Rhys will commence on 1 April 2017 and will initially last for three years.

ACW Council members are responsible for setting the aims and objectives of the Arts Council, aligning these  to the Welsh Government’s strategic priorities and ensuring funding in Wales is invested effectively.

The three new members are in addition to the two members appointed from 1 November 2016 and complement the current membership of the Council. With the appointments the Council will now comprise 13 members plus the Chair,  Dr Phil George.

The Cabinet Secretary said:

“I am pleased to announce the appointment of these three new Council members. These appointments have enormous personal and professional experience in the arts but come from completely different backgrounds.

“Their individual skills, knowledge and expertise will add significantly to the current strengths of the Council during a period of transition as it faces up to the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Phil George, Chair of ACW added

“I’m delighted to welcome three new members who will bring a wealth of skills and experience, as well as a passion for the arts, to our Council.

“They will be terrific advocates and ambassadors for the arts in Wales and I look forward to their contribution as we strive to ensure that all communities in Wales are able to benefit from and have access to high quality arts.

“We look forward to welcoming them as Council Members to our Council meeting in May.”

Two long-serving current members – Dr Kate Woodward and Mrs Margaret Jervis – come to the end of their third and final terms of appointment on 31 March 2017.

News story: Safety Recommendation document updated: G-REDL

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Safety Recommendation document updated for AS332L2 Super Puma, G-REDL

Response to Theresa May’s speech to the Conservative Party Spring Conference – Andrew Gwynne

Gwynne MP, Labour’s Campaigns and Elections Chair,
responding to Theresa May’s speech
to the Conservative Party Spring Conference, said:

“The PM
claims she has a plan for a fairer, more ‘united Britain’ but she’s pursing an
agenda which will do the opposite.

“As their
shambolic Budget has shown, the Tories have no plan to stand up for ordinary
people and their promises aren’t worth the paper they’re written on – they
break them whenever it suits them. Under them those at the top get tax breaks,
while middle and low earners are worse off, targeted for cuts and tax
increases. Far from building a stronger Britain, the Tories are undermining
what makes our country great, running the NHS down, squeezing our schools and
crushing aspiration. And their shambolic approach to Brexit risks a bad deal
for Britain, meaning we’ll all be worse off.

is worse off under the Tories.”

News story: Accelerator face-to-face meetings: 4 April 2017 in Harwell

These 30-minute face-to-face meetings give you the opportunity to discuss your innovative research idea with Accelerator staff in private.

The Accelerator funds innovative proof-of-concept research that could lead to a cost-effective capability advantage for UK armed forces and national security. This is through the enduring competition or specific themed competitions.

Before you come to your meeting please prepare by thinking about:

  • what is your research idea?
  • what do you think is the military benefit?
  • will it save time/costs, improve capability/performance/reliability?
  • why should MOD invest in this work?
  • what will your approach be?
  • how will you structure your research?
  • what will you deliver?
  • what evidence will you produce?
  • what will the impact of your research be?
  • how will you demonstrate progress towards the claimed benefit?

The main purpose of this meeting is for you to ask questions, and most importantly, receive advice from the team, so please leave time for this during your 30 minutes.

Spaces will be on a first-come, first-served basis and an organisation should only register once. The Accelerator is part of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and only funds novel, high-risk, high-potential-benefit research.

If your proposal is a product that is already used in the defence and security market, you should speak to the Defence Suppliers Service, or see other ways of how to sell to Dstl.

The Accelerator team hold regular regional meetings. Join our Accelerator LinkedIn group for notification of future meetings.

Defence and Security Accelerator
Building R103
Fermi Avenue
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX


Telephone +44 (0)30 67704236

Please email for the quickest response.

News story: Accelerator face-to-face meetings: 4 April 2017 in Harwell

These 30-minute face-to-face meetings give you the opportunity to discuss your innovative research idea with Accelerator staff in private.

The Accelerator funds innovative proof-of-concept research that could lead to a cost-effective capability advantage for UK armed forces and national security. This is through the enduring competition or specific themed competitions.

Before you come to your meeting please prepare by thinking about:

  • what is your research idea?
  • what do you think is the military benefit?
  • will it save time/costs, improve capability/performance/reliability?
  • why should MOD invest in this work?
  • what will your approach be?
  • how will you structure your research?
  • what will you deliver?
  • what evidence will you produce?
  • what will the impact of your research be?
  • how will you demonstrate progress towards the claimed benefit?

The main purpose of this meeting is for you to ask questions, and most importantly, receive advice from the team, so please leave time for this during your 30 minutes.

Spaces will be on a first-come, first-served basis and an organisation should only register once.
The Accelerator is part of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and only funds novel, high-risk, high-potential-benefit research.

If your proposal is a product that is already used in the defence and security market, you should speak to the Defence Suppliers Service, or see other ways of how to sell to Dstl.

The Accelerator team hold regular regional meetings. Join our Accelerator LinkedIn group for notification of future meetings.

Defence and Security Accelerator

Building R103

Fermi Avenue

Harwell Oxford


OX11 0QX


Telephone +44 (0)30 67704236

Please email for the quickest response.