Tag Archives: political



17 March 2017

With the SNP holding its Conference in Aberdeen, Labour has published a new dossier exposing the impact of a decade of division.

As this week has shown, the Nationalists always only have one thing on their mind – dragging Scotland out of the UK. That lack of focus on the day job has resulted in a failure to manage Scotland’s schools and hospitals, invest in our police, and deliver for working families across the country.

You can read A Decade of Division by clicking on the image below.

Scottish Labour will vote against the SNP’s plan for another divisive referendum on leaving the UK. We believe that together we’re stronger.

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said:

“The SNP has overseen a decade of division.

“Where Nicola Sturgeon should have been governing, she has instead divided.

“Where she should have been fixing the mess her party has made of our schools, she has instead stoked grievance.

“In ten years of SNP rule, our valued public services have been ignored and neglected in the Nationalists’ pursuit of independence at any cost.

“Nicola Sturgeon’s only tangible achievement in government has been passing on Tory austerity to Scotland.

“There is a better way. Scottish Labour believes together we’re stronger.

“Instead of spending the coming years continuing to stoke division, the SNP need to do the job it was elected to – govern the country.”

Aberdeen City Council leader Jenny Laing said:

“In Aberdeen and the north-east we have felt the brunt of SNP austerity and division.

“Our council is the lowest funded in the country, while NHS Grampian has been persistently starved of cash.

“The SNP’s business rates bombshell will send many local firms to the wall.

“For years, Nationalist ministers have let down Aberdeen. Our life-saving major trauma centre – promised in 2014 – has now been delayed for years.

“While the SNP was happy to tout our oil and gas industry during its doomed separation drive, action has been lacklusture at best since the oil price drop.

“Labour in Aberdeen will fight against the unwanted SNP plans for a second independence referendum that would be even more damaging for jobs and businesses.”

If you agree that together we’re stronger as part of the UK, sign our pledge at www.togetherstronger.scot 

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