Official Statistics: Water situation report for England: January 2017

Summary for January

January was wetter than December across much of England, but rainfall totals remain below average in many areas. England as a whole received 81% of long term average rainfall for January.

Modest soil moisture deficits remain across east and south-east England.

River flows and groundwater levels increased at the majority of indicator sites. River flows were below normal or lower for the time of year at almost all sites across England.

Groundwater levels were below normal or lower at two thirds of sites.

Reservoir stocks increased at two-thirds of reservoirs groups and were normal or lower at all but one reservoir. Overall stocks for England increased marginally compared to the end of December 2016 and were 83% of total capacity.

Official Statistics: Weekly rainfall and river flow summary: 25 to 31 January 2017

Updated: A corrected version of the weekly rainfall and river flow summary, 25 to 31 January 2017.

A review of the rainfall and river flow data for England covering the 7 day period (Wednesday to Tuesday).

Official Statistics: Provisional statistics – UK fleet landings from other EU member states’ waters: 2015

It is being released now in response to a request by Defra to publish management information provided to them for operational purposes. The figures are provisional and will be subject to revisions as further quality assurance is complete and as updated information are received and analysed. Due to their provisional nature these data are high level aggregations without further breakdown.

It is planned that these provisional data will be followed by a more detailed final form statistical release as part of the UK Sea Fisheries Statistics annual publication in September 2017.

Official Statistics: Energy Performance of Buildings Certificates in England and Wales: 2008 to December 2016

Information about certificates on the energy efficiency of domestic and non-domestic buildings in England and Wales that have been constructed, sold, or let since 2008, and of larger public authority buildings since 2008. These statistics do not cover the entire building stock across England and Wales.

Figures are drawn from 2 datasets on the Energy Performance of Buildings Registers:

  • Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for domestic and non-domestic properties covering England and Wales
  • Display Energy Certificates (DECs) for larger buildings occupied by public authorities in England and Wales.

Official Statistics: European Forest Accounts: UK 2014 data

This release contains data on stocks and flows of wooded land and timber and economic data on UK forestry to be submitted to Eurostat for the production of EU statistics on forestry. It replaces the previous Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Forestry.