Council gets update on infrastructure projects for Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council 2019

Causeway Coast and Glens council members have been updated on works in the area by the Department for Infrastructure.

Council gets update on infrastructure projects for Derry City and Strabane District Council 2019

Derry City and Strabane council members have been updated on works in the area by the Department for Infrastructure.

Consultation on the proposed format of Bovine Electronic Identification numbering in NI

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a consultation seeking views on a proposal for a new cattle tag numbering regime, as part of the preparatory work for the potential introduction of bovine electronic identification (bovine EID).

First Time Entrants to the Justice System in Northern Ireland 2017/18’ published today

The Department of Justice (DoJ) today published the Research and Statistical Bulletin ‘First Time Entrants to the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland 2017/18’. It is an Official Statistics Publication.

Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland re-appointments

The Department for the Economy has made a number of reappointments to the Board of the Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland (CITB NI).