Getting Casement built is one of my key goals

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA today outlined some of her priorities including her determination to get Casement Park built.

Murphy and Swann united in their determination to rebuild our health service

Finance Minister Conor Murphy and Health Minister Robin Swann today met to discuss the importance of a sustainable funding settlement for health and social care.

Minister announces £3.6million funding to support pioneering advances in sustainable energy

Minister for the Economy, Diane Dodds, today announced that Invest Northern Ireland has offered £3.6million of support for Phase II of the Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy (CASE).

Proposed Financial Package Woefully Inadequate – Murphy

After the British Government published its proposed financial package, Finance Minister, Conor Murphy said:

Minister's statement on FlyBe

Economy Minister Diane Dodds said: “Today’s announcement that Flybe is to continue operating is positive news.