Statistical press release – Publication of Walking and Cycling to and/or from work in Northern Ireland 2018/19

This report, produced by the Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch (ASRB) of the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), presents findings from the 2018/2019 Continuous Household Survey (CHS). This is the fourth time that this question set has been included in the CHS and since 2016/17, it has been included biennially. Hence, there are no results for 2017/18.

Department for the Economy publishes Higher Education Performance Indicator Statistics

The Department has today published a statistical fact sheet: Performance Indicators in Higher Education: Student Retention – Northern Ireland Analysis 2018/19

Health Minister statement on waiting time statistics

Commenting on the latest waiting time statistics, Health Minister Robin Swann today said ‘we can and must put this right’.

Finance Minister meets local businesses in Newry

Finance Minister Conor Murphy today met local businesses at an event hosted by Newry Chamber of Commerce and Trade at Norbrook.

Statistical Bulletin: Indicator 26 A Respect Index for Northern Ireland (as measured by the Everyday Discrimination Scale)

This statistical bulletin presents data on and facilitates monitoring of a population indicator informing Outcome 7 and Outcome 9 of The Outcomes Delivery Plan: