Medicines and Covid-19

A message from the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison:

Meeting of Irish Government and Northern Ireland Executive Ministers concerning North South cooperation to deal with Covid-19

Senior representatives of the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government and their Chief Medical Officers met today in Armagh to review the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus and how best to tackle the outbreak.

Mallon issues emergency letter on planning restrictions for food and essential deliveries to support the response to Covid-19

Infrastructure and Planning Minister Nichola Mallon today wrote to local councils making clear that they should temporarily withhold any planning enforcement action which could result in unnecessarily restricting deliveries of food and other essential deliveries, in order to support the response to Covid-19.

Meeting of Irish Government and Northern Ireland Executive Ministers concerning North South cooperation to deal with Covid-19

Senior representatives of the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government and their Chief Medical Officers met today in Armagh to review the current situation regarding the COVID-19 virus and how best to tackle the outbreak.

Statement from Minister Diane Dodds following publication of the RHI Inquiry report

I would like to thank Sir Patrick Coghlin and his team for their work in producing a thorough and comprehensive report. Along with others across government and the wider NICS, I will now consider its findings and recommendations in detail.