Consultation launched on approach to 10X Technologies and Clusters

The Department for the Economy has launched a public consultation on the approach to 10X Technologies and Clusters.

‘DfI Driver, Vehicle, Operator, and Enforcement Statistics 2023/24 Quarter One’ published

The ‘DfI Driver, Vehicle, Operator, and Enforcement Statistics 2023/24 Quarter One’ report, detailing statistics for April to June 2023, is now available.

Young Persons Behaviour & Attitudes Survey 2022: Substance Use (Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs)

The Department of Health today published the “Young Persons Behaviour & Attitudes Survey 2022: Substance Use (Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs)” bulletin.

Safe Access Zones now established in Northern Ireland

Safe Access Zones have been introduced at eight health service locations across Northern Ireland.

New Lower Shankill park officially opened

A new park on the Lower Shankill, adjacent to the Westlink in Belfast, was officially opened today (September 29).