News story: Darwin Plus: ‘Bird-borne’ radar for albatrosses among 17 new projects to be funded

Funding for 17 conservation projects worth more than £3.5 million in the UK Overseas Territories has been announced from the Darwin Plus initiative to deliver commitments in the 25 Year Environment Plan.

News story: Defence Secretary commissions new report to step up support for service families

The new study will examine the support available to the different members of military families, including spouses and partners, and children.

News story: Military to donate unused ration packs to charities

The Ministry of Defence has announced that it will donate thousands of unused ration packs to charities over the next few years.

News story: £293 million deal for Apache fleet

The MOD has awarded a five-year, multi-million-pound deal to Leonardo Helicopters (UK) for the support of the existing fleet of 50 Apache attack helicopters.

News story: Dstl tests NATO’s War of Words

Specialists in strategic communications were deployed with NATO troops on Exercise Trident Juncture