100 more military personnel to support Scotland’s vaccine rollout

An additional 100 Armed Forces personnel have been made available to accelerate the vaccine rollout in Scotland amid a wave of Omicron infections.

Get Boosted Now

The Prime Minister has announced a huge ramping up of the COVID-19 booster vaccination programme to protect us all from the Omicron variant.

Defence Ministerial oral statement on the AJAX programme

Defence Procurement Minister Jeremy Quin updates the House of Commons on the AJAX programme and announces the publication of the AJAX Health and Safety report.

Remit letter to the Armed Forces Pay Review Body: 2022 to 2023

The Ministry of Defence’s remit letter to the Armed Forces Pay Review Body for the 2022 to 2023 pay award.

Welsh Language Champion appointed as Defence updates the Welsh Language Scheme. Penodi Pencampwr y Gymraeg wrth i’r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn ddiweddaru ei Chynllun Iaith Gymraeg

Defence appoints a Welsh Language Champion as part of the updated Welsh Language Scheme