News story: Defence Secretary announces £11million boost to chemical defences

On the eve of the Salisbury Novichok poisoning anniversary, the Defence Secretary has allocated £11million of additional funding to bolster the UK’s response to chemical attacks.

Press release: Clean up work completed in Salisbury as area continues recovery

Defra has now handed back the final site of decontamination in Salisbury to the South Wiltshire Recovery Coordinating Group.

News story: RAF Brize Norton hosts inaugural UK-Germany Defence Ministerial Council

RAF Brize Norton played host to discussions between the two NATO allies on co-operation on areas ranging from Baltic Air Policing to countering nefarious cyber activity.

News story: Defence Secretary announces five-year plan for key military sites

Today’s update to the Defence Optimisation Programme provides new details on 33 military sites.

News story: UK and NATO allies to test crisis response on exercise in Germany

The military planning exercise will test allies’ ability to respond to a crisis