Armed Forces mark 50 years since the start of operations in Northern Ireland

Service personnel joined veterans at the Armed Forces Memorial in Staffordshire to commemorate 50 years since the start of Operation Banner.

First steel cut for HMS Cardiff

The first steel has been cut for HMS Cardiff, the second ship in the Royal Navy’s next generation of Type 26 anti-submarine frigates.

DIO supports further renovation of RAF Lakenheath

Work is about to begin at RAF Lakenheath to renovate the United States Visiting Forces (USVF) security forces facilities as part of an ongoing programme of improvements to the base.

RAF Typhoons scramble from UK and Estonia to intercept Russian aircraft

The Typhoon fighter jets demonstrated the sizable scope of the Royal Air Force’s (RAF) contribution to European security after scrambling from two locations in two separate incidents on the same day.

The Challenge of Regulation in an Age of Advanced Automation

How much can a regulator understand the autonomous safety systems that transcend traditional levels of automation and what level of assurance can be provided?