COVID Support Force

The Defence Secretary announces new measures to put service personnel and Reservists on standby to support public services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak

Armed Forces protected from vexatious claims in important step

New laws to protect military personnel and veterans from vexatious claims and the cycle of re-investigations will be introduced today.

Suspension of War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Medical Examinations and Assessments

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), who arrange our medical examinations are to cancel all examinations for a period of up to 3 months from 17 March 2020.

Hostile state activity assessment body announced

Home Secretary publicly confirms existence of the joint state threats assessment team.

Dstl acquires first fleet of autonomous ground vehicle systems

Autonomous delivery of vital supplies to the front-line with improved efficiency and reduced risk to life moves another step closer to reality as the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) announces the purchase of…